Python virtual environments

author : Jon Brookes | created : Dec 22 | updated : Dec 22 | time to read : 7 minutes

#python #venv #virtualenv


Within Linux, you can create a virtual environment with as little as:

python  -m venv venv

But you may need to use python3, depending on your system, and perhaps to specify a path to Python with:

python3 -m venv venv --python=/path/to/python3

then activate the environment with:

source venv/bin/activate

on some system you may need to install virtualenv first:

pip install virtualenv

changes you make in your environment with pip install [insert pip module here] may be stored for future use with

pip freeze > requirements.txt

and re-applied with

pip install -r requirements.txt

Why Python ?

As a part of our ventures into second brain techniques and technologies, our current interests are beginning to center more around AI and in particular services such as Chat GPT, Google’s recent PaLM2 LLM, Hugging Face’s Transformers and even locally hosted LLMs such as olama.

Whilst Python is a programming language that is used in many different fields such as web development, data science, machine learning, and many others, primarily, to use LLMs (Large Language Models) such as GPT-3, you typically need to use Python or be at least familiar with it. This is because many of the APIs that are used to interact with these models are written in Python and the greater community of developers that are working on these models are often using Python.

What is a Python virtual environment?

Python virtual environments isolate projects, letting you use different Python versions and packages without conflicts.

Why use a Python virtual environment?

You may want to use a virtual environment if you are working on multiple python projects that require different versions of python or different versions of python packages.

Another more prescient need in my view is to maintain a clean build environment for any given project. In order to do so, it is often a chosen pattern to isolate each project in such a way as to be easy to reproduce elsewhere be it for other developers or for deployment to production.

One, very common way to do this for python is to use virtualenv or venv which is a built in module in python.

typically on Linux, you can create a virtual environment with:

python3 -m venv venv --python=/path/to/python3

and activate it with:

source venv/bin/activate

on other system you may need to install virtualenv first:

pip install virtualenv

you may need to use python instead of python3 depending on your system.

Once activated, you can install any packages you need for your project and they will be installed in the virtual environment.

To save away the packages you have installed, you can use:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Once this is checked in to your project using version control, you or those that check out this project can then install the packages on another system with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

to leave the virtual environment, you can use:


and subsequently reactivate it with:

source venv/bin/activate

This is a common pattern for moving around python projects and is often used in production environments as well.

Another way, using Docker

There are several other ways in which we can control python environments but more generally, any environment can be controlled with Docker. Docker is a containerization technology that allows us to create a container that has all the dependencies we need for a project and then run that container on any system that has Docker installed.

When used in conjunction with VSCode and the Remote Containers extension, we can create a container that has all the dependencies we need for a project and then VSCode will automatically connect to that container and allow us to edit the code and run it from within the container.

Prerequisites are to have Docker installed and the Remote Containers extension installed in VSCode. This may pose a challenge more than the virtual environment approach but it is a very powerful way to manage environments and is becoming more popular.

Getting started with VSCode and Docker

For a new project, create a named repo in github, choose a .gitignore and license so as to initialize the repo.

With Devcontaiers extension installed, in VSCode, open the command palette with CNTRL+SHIFT+P ( windows / Linux ) or CMD+SHIFT+P ( mac ) and type DevContainers then choose to ‘Clone Repository in Container Volume’.

Pick a git repo - the one we just created and its main branch. This will download and boot a container - vsc-volume-bootstrap:latest

you can view logs when it says its starting by clicking on its link click ‘show all definitions’ in the next prompt and pick an appropriate one for your purposes. One such is labelled as python 3 by Microsoft - which I use that has the fully named container reference of More general purpose ones are available such as “Default Linux Universal” - and this is the image that Github uses in its ‘codespaces’. This is a much larger image and takes a lot longer to download and boot but is a more general purpose environment.

When for example the general purpose image has been downloaded and we open a shell in the new container environment in VSCode we see something like,

	  codespace /workspaces/vscode-dev-container-002 (main) $ whoami
	  codespace /workspaces/vscode-dev-container-002 (main) $ cat /etc/issue
	  Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS \n \l
	  codespace /workspaces/vscode-dev-container-002 (main) $ git --version
	  git version 2.43.0
	  codespace /workspaces/vscode-dev-container-002 (main) $ go version
	  go version go1.21.5 linux/amd64
	  codespace /workspaces/vscode-dev-container-002 (main) $ php --version
	  PHP 8.2.13 (cli) (built: Dec  8 2023 04:51:20) (NTS)
	  Copyright (c) The PHP Group
	  Zend Engine v4.2.13, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
	      with Xdebug v3.3.0, Copyright (c) 2002-2023, by Derick Rethans
	  codespace /workspaces/vscode-dev-container-002 (main) $ ruby --version
	  ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) [x86_64-linux]
	  codespace /workspaces/vscode-dev-container-002 (main) $ node --version
	  codespace /workspaces/vscode-dev-container-002 (main) $ python -V
	  Python 3.10.13
	  codespace /workspaces/vscode-dev-container-002 (main) $ 

we can see that we are user codespace - this is the same / similar environment that we get in github codespaces of this name and is why it took so long to download basically we have a comprehensive virtual environment that we can use locally and when done, can open exactly the same in codespaces using the git repo that this is stored to to get the same experience anywhere we can get to a competent browser. this is quite significant, perhaps even a reason for some degree of jubilation.

So long as you commit any code you write back to the Git repo, you can pick up where you left off using the same environment or one that is created by checking out this repository and choosing to Clone Repository in Container Volume using the same VSCode extension.

Another way, using Conda

Conda is a package manager that is used to install and manage packages for python and other languages. It is often used in data science and machine learning projects and is another, popularly used method to manage python environments.

I place this after the docker method, as running both venv and conda in the same environment can cause issues and managing the both on a single system, typically a laptop, can lead to issues that are not worth wrangling with in my opinion. At this time, I am using docker containers with VSCode and in the virtual environment approach, as I can use venv or conda in separate containers if I need to. Its up to you to decide what works best for you but would still recommend the docker approach as it will give more consistent and reproducible environments for development and more specifically, deployment.

Getting started with Conda

Conda can be installed with ‘miniconda’, where the following is taken direct from their installation instructions :

mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/

this downloads what looks like a shell script, which you can take a look at if you prefer to see what it does before running it, but it is in essence a script with a binary embedded.

 ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
 rm -rf ~/miniconda3/

and the above now runs the downloaded script / executable then clears out the downloaded file.

 ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init

to initialize the shell environment.

~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash
source ~/.bashrc    

now to use conda to create and activate a virtual environment, we can run:

conda create -n newenv python=3.11
conda activate newenv

python packages are subsequently installed with:

conda install numpy # for example

A reason for using conda may be that you need to install a package or module that is just not working in the pip / venv approach. This is not uncommon and is a reason why conda is popular in data science and machine learning projects.

As with with the venv approach, you can save away the packages you have installed, you can use:

conda env export > environment.yml

and re-apply them with:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Deactivating the environment and according to is done with:

source deactivate

which removes the path name of your current environment from your system command.


Whichever method you choose to virtualize Python environments, it is important to be able to reproduce your environment for your project. This is important for development and for deployment. There is currently no ‘one size fits all’ solution and having an awareness of more than one approach to virtualizing Python environments will be necessary when working on different projects and for different clients.